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Student Investment Account

Plan Summary
The North Bend School District (NBSD) is composed of four brick and mortar schools. Two are elementary schools, Hillcrest and North Bay, both with kindergarten through fifth
grades. North Bend Middle School serves sixth through eighth grade. North Bend High School is a ninth through twelfth grade building which includes Bridges, an alternative program within the high school. We have approximately 2,200 students in these four buildings. District overview of demographics are as follows:

District Demographic Information








American Indian/Alaska Native




African American


Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander


English Language Learners


Receive Special Education Services


Economically Disadvantaged


North Bend Schools are driven by a common mission statement, which states “Navigating a Successful Course for Every Student, Every Day, Every Way.” This mission leads to our common vision, stating “Every Student is on Track to Graduate.” In order to accomplish our vision, the district has outlined a set of core values and beliefs which form the ideal of our organization and are the basis from which our work is performed. NBSD believes:

  1. Students should be empowered, educated, and inspired.
  2. Instruction should be motivating, innovative, and effective.
  3. Safety must be secure, inclusive, and prepared.
  4. Opportunities must be relevant, equitable, and meaningful.

The District’s Mission, Vision, and Core Beliefs were founded through a community-wide strategic planning process in coalition with a strategic planning consultant, school administrators, teachers, parents, school board members, and community representatives. This strategic planning process founded the NBSD Strategic Plan which is in place through 2022, and has provided guidance to the Student Success Act (SSA) planning process, leading to our Student Investment Account (SIA) plan.



Our SIA plan was developed in unison with students, parents, staff, and community members which included community-wide information gathering and feedback opportunities, as well as data analysis, leading to the identification of core needs. These needs were prioritized by a SSA core team of stakeholders based on two main purposes of SIA. In order to reduce academic disparities and provide equitable access we focused investments on our most impacted students of our traditionally marginalized, underrepresented, and underserved populations. In addition, we are committed to meeting the mental and behavioral needs of all students by increasing staff and support across the district. The SSA core team then investigated district data, along with recommendations provided by the Quality Education Commission (QEC) and best practices in educational equity to develop a list of recommendations to address district needs. These recommendations were shared with all district groups, in which more feedback was solicited to help frame the final SIA plan for North Bend School District.

Specific areas of investments include:

  • Providing for the health and safety of students by increasing social-emotional, mental, and behavioral health supports across the district
  • Providing a more “well-rounded” education through the development of alternative pathways, extended learning opportunities, and improved Career and Technical Education (CTE) options
  • Reducing academic disparities through curriculum materials & professional development for educators
  • Improve K-3 literacy outcomes by reducing class sizes K-2 to improve and hiring certified literacy specialists.

NBSD is grateful to legislators, state, and local leaders for this opportunity. The district is also grateful to the many hours of work put in by community stakeholders to make this plan a reality and the opportunities for increasing academic achievement of our students.

Below you will find the North Bend School District Student Investment Action Plan, SIA Budget, SIA Proposal and SIA Grant Agreement. Should you have any questions please contact us at